Our hardware section has been updated with 2 new console features and a stack of high quality photographs. The hardware section now has a new section at the bottom of the page that features Aftermarket/Mini Consoles, and with it comes 2 new console features on the Astro City Mini and the Game Gear Micro respectively. Click the links below to be taken to each console feature as well as the accompanying image galleries:
For SEGA’s 60th anniversary, the company have revealed a new novelty micro console in the form of the Game Gear Micro.
Currently only scheduled for a Japanese launch on October 6th 2020, the console will be available in 4 colour variants, each bundled with its own compilation of 4 Game Gear titles. Each system will launch for ¥4,980. A special edition bundle is also available which includes all 4 console variants, a set of replica game cases for each of the included titles and a working SEGA Big Window (aka the Super Wide Gear) which allows you to magnify the screen. This will set you back ¥29,980.
The Game Gear Micro will measure 80mm wide, 43mm tall and 20mm deep and include a 1.15″ display. It also includes a single mono speaker, a headphone jack and is powered by 2 AAA batteries. Supposedly you can power the system for a longer period of time with a separately sold USB cable.
The full list of included titles on each of the Game Gear Micro variants now follows:
Black Game Gear Micro
Out Run, Puyo Puyo Tsu, Royal Stone and Sonic the Hedgehog
Blue Game Gear Micro
Baku Baku Animal: Sekai Shiikugakari Senshuken, Gunstar Heroes, Sonic & Tails and Sylvan Tale
Yellow Game Gear Micro
Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux, Shining Force, Shining Force II and Shining Force: Final Conflict
Red Game Gear Micro
Columns, The G.G. Shinobi, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible and Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special
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