Astro City Mini
The Astro City Mini first released in Japan on December 17th 2020. This miniature tabletop replica of an Astro City cabinet comes pre-loaded with 37 SEGA arcade games, a built-in screen and micro-switched controls for an authentic arcade feel. The console can only be powered via a mains adapter and a USB micro cable. The console’s display can be routed to a bigger screen via the use of a HDMI cable and additional players can join multiplayer software via seperaretly sold peripherals which connect to the 2 USB ports on the back of the console. Additional peripherals include a ‘Style Kit’ which turns the unit into a minature cabinet complete with chair, base and top board. 2 types of external controllers were also sold. The first was a traditional gamepad with 6 buttons and a d-pad, and the second was a full size arcade stick that featured a fully micro-switched ball-top joystick. The mini console was later sold in limited quantities in the US via Limited Run Games on March 26th 2021. Europe would eventually receive the console on July 2nd 2021.
Software List
- Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
- Alien Storm
- Alien Syndrome
- Altered Beast
- Arabian Fight
- Bonanza Bros
- Columns
- Columns II
- Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams
- Crack Down
- Cyber Police ESWAT (ESWAT – City Under Siege)
- Dark Edge
- Dottori Kun (Dot Race)
- Fantasy Zone
- Flicky
- Gain Ground
- Golden Axe
- Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder
- My Hero
- Ninja Princess
- Puyo Puyo
- Puyo Puyo Tsu
- Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R
- Puzzle & Action: Tant R
- Quartet 2
- Rad Mobile
- Scramble Spirits
- Shadow Dancer
- Shinobi
- Sonic Boom
- Space Harrier
- Stack Columns
- Thunder Force AC
- Virtua Fighter
- Wonder Boy
- Wonder Boy in Monster Land
- Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair

Images kindly provided by Svend Joscelyne