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Posts Tagged ‘characters’

SEGA Tease New Sonic: Lost World Characters

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

The above image has just appeared on the official SEGA page and features silhouettes of a collection of new characters who will appear in Sonic: Lost World for Wii-U and 3DS.

The image comes with the message, “Six will rise from the Lost World. Are they friends or foes? Find out on May 29th.”

[Source: SEGA on Facebook]

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Gets 3 Exclusive PC Characters

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is finally making its’ way to PC on January 31st and to celebrate SEGA have announced the addition of 3 PC exclusive characters.

The new characters are a manager from Football Manager, a Shogun from Total War: Shogun and a trio of characters from Team Fortress 2; 1 for each transformation (Heavy for boat, Pyro for car and Spy for plane).

Check out the announcement trailer below:

[Source: The Sonic Stadium]

Additional Details on Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

More information on the newly announced sequel to Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is slowly seeping in.

The game will feature a total of 27 playable characters. The characters will be unlocked in a single player adventure/story mode which is also new to the series. Characters can also earn XP and level up which allows the characters to use their all-star moves.

Sumo Digital’s development team has been expanded to include members of past racing studios such as Gareth Wilson from Bizarre Creations as well as members of Black Rock.

There will also be new weapons like a small, remote controlled Sonic vehicle (complete with transformations) which can be remotely driven into enemies and detonated like a bomb. Also announced is a giant catchers mitt which can be used to catch enemy projectiles and use them to your advantage.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium via Eurogamer]

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