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Posts Tagged ‘the taxman’

Video Spotlight: Flying Battery Confirmed for Sonic Mania

Friday, March 17th, 2017


The latest retro Sonic stage to be confirmed for an appearance in Sonic Mania is now the Flying Battery Zone from Sonic & Knuckles. The stage appears in a remixed form that has a different layout to the original, but has plenty of nods and gimmicks that call back to the original stage. Check it out below:

It’s also worth mentioning that we recently got an insight into how the 2nd act of Sonic Mania’s take on the Green Hill Zone is playing out. The following video shows how the progression from act 1 to act 2 occurs and how different the 2nd act is in comparison. There’s some interesting new gimmicks and some lovely nods to early Sonic the Hedgehog screenshots that showed mountains in the background. Take a look:

Sonic Mania will launch this summer on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC.

Sonic 2 Remastered Releasing Tomorrow; Hidden Palace Zone is Unlockable

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead returns once again with a Retro Engine-powered port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Android and iOS devices. The new version of the 16 bit classic launches tomorrow and will be a free update for those who already own the existing port of Sonic 2 for these devices.

Along with the usual enhancements of a widescreen display and more accurate controls, Whitehead has seen fit to add Hidden Palace Zone as an unlockable bonus stage. This is not the Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic & Knuckles either; this is the version that was discovered in Sonic 2 Beta. Whitehead has obviously not left the stage incomplete and has given it a lovely makeover which now includes gimmicks like the water jet you can see above.

[Source: Joystiq]

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