Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead returns once again with a Retro Engine-powered port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Android and iOS devices. The new version of the 16 bit classic launches tomorrow and will be a free update for those who already own the existing port of Sonic 2 for these devices.
Along with the usual enhancements of a widescreen display and more accurate controls, Whitehead has seen fit to add Hidden Palace Zone as an unlockable bonus stage. This is not the Hidden Palace Zone from Sonic & Knuckles either; this is the version that was discovered in Sonic 2 Beta. Whitehead has obviously not left the stage incomplete and has given it a lovely makeover which now includes gimmicks like the water jet you can see above.
[Source: Joystiq]
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Tags: android, christian whitehead, digital, download, ios, mega drive, mobile gaming, retro engine, sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog 2, sonic the hedgehog 2 remastered, the taxman