Hello everyone! This year we thought we’d mark the end of the year a little differently so we’ve made a video that chronicles SEGA’s releases throughout the year. Take a look at our Year in Review video by clicking the embed below:
Thank you to everyone who has continued to read the website and check out our YouTube videos this year. Your support has always been fantastic and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for next year.
Tembo the Badass Elephant is due for release tomorrow on PS4, Xbox One and Steam as a digital-only title. The game is SEGA’s second collaboration with Game Freak (creators of Pokemon) and the first since 1994’s Pulseman for the Mega Drive. The game is stylistically similar to the rhythm-based platforming of Rayman Origins.
SEGA will publish a new 2D action platformer developed by Game Freak called Tembo the Badass Elephant. As Tembo you must battle the evil PHANTOM army from taking over Shell City. Check out the announcement trailer below; it’s all kinds of fun:
Tembo the Badass Elephant will launch this summer on PC, PS4 and Xbox One as a digital-only title.
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