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Posts Tagged ‘hotd’

House of the Dead Sale on PSN

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

The House of the Dead games on PSN have been put on sale on the PSN store. You can now grab House of the Dead III, 4 and Overkill for the following prices:

The House of the Dead III: £2.39 or £1.79 for PS+ subscribers
The House of the Dead4: £3.24 or £2.43 for PS+ subscribers
The House of the Dead Overkill – Extended Cut: £6.39 or £4.79 for PS+ subscribers

Alternatively a bundle of all 3 can be grabbed for £7.99 or £5.99 for PS+ subscribers.

[Source: Savy Gamer]

The House of the Dead: Overkill – The Lost Reels Now Available for iOS

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

The House of the Dead: Overkill – The Lost Reels is an episodic re-release of The House of the Dead: Overkill for iOS. The game is now available to download with the first 2 episodes being bundled together for £2.99 with the final episode being made available as an in-app purchase for £1.49.

Unfortunately, the dialogue between Agent G and Detective Washington has been removed despite the fact that the violence hasn’t been altered.

Check out a hefty portion of gameplay below:

[Source: Eurogamer]

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