4 new music entries have now been added to the SEGA Music Index in our Merchandise section. See below for the full list of additions and direct links to each new entry:
– The Data Discs vinyl release of Alien Soldier by NON has now been added to SEGA Music Index
– The Data Discs vinyl release of Alien Storm by Keisuke Tsukahara has now been added to SEGA Music Index
– The Data Discs vinyl release of Policenauts by Konami Kukeiha Club has now been added to SEGA Music Index
– The Data Discs vinyl release of Radiant Silvergun by Hitoshi Sakamoto has now been added to SEGA Music Index
Each entry comes with a short information paragraph, a track list and several high quality photos. Why not check out the rest of the SEGA Music Index and learn about something new?
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats