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Posts Tagged ‘acclaim’

44 New Dreamcast Prototypes Dumped Thanks to ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’ & SEGA Dreamcast Info

Monday, March 14th, 2022

The wonderful people over at SEGA Dreamcast Info have released an astounding collection of 44 Dreamcast prototypes that are sourced from an ex-Acclaim beta tester.

Dubbed ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’, this collection features prototypes of games like Shadow Man, Vanishing Point, Re-Volt, F355 Challenge, Fur Fighters, Dead or Alive 2 and the infamously terrible/amazing Spirit of Speed 1937.

Click here to browse ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’.

In addition to the Dreamcast releases, there are a few PC and PS1 prototypes alongside an Xbox prototype of cancelled title The Red Star.

Once again we’d like to send a huge ‘thank you!’ to the team at SEGA Dreamcast Info for preserving a fantastic selection of Dreamcast prototypes.

[Source: SEGA Dreamcast Info]

Actual Basketball from the NBA Jam Cover Discovered

Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

Gaming historian Steve Lin of the Video Game History Foundation has managed to win the actual basketball used for the NBA Jam cover art in an online auction. Lin’s intention is to get the item displayed in a museum.

The basketball itself is actually a resin model and it adorned the cover art for the game and various promotional material. NBA Jam made its way onto several SEGA systems including the Mega Drive, Mega-CD and Game Gear back in 1994.

[Source: Kotaku]

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