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Posts Tagged ‘Vanishing Point’

44 New Dreamcast Prototypes Dumped Thanks to ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’ & SEGA Dreamcast Info

Monday, March 14th, 2022

The wonderful people over at SEGA Dreamcast Info have released an astounding collection of 44 Dreamcast prototypes that are sourced from an ex-Acclaim beta tester.

Dubbed ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’, this collection features prototypes of games like Shadow Man, Vanishing Point, Re-Volt, F355 Challenge, Fur Fighters, Dead or Alive 2 and the infamously terrible/amazing Spirit of Speed 1937.

Click here to browse ‘Duffy’s Dreamcast Collection’.

In addition to the Dreamcast releases, there are a few PC and PS1 prototypes alongside an Xbox prototype of cancelled title The Red Star.

Once again we’d like to send a huge ‘thank you!’ to the team at SEGA Dreamcast Info for preserving a fantastic selection of Dreamcast prototypes.

[Source: SEGA Dreamcast Info]

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