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13 Minutes of In-Game Shenmue III Footage | Video Spotlight

UPDATE 11:29
Even more in-game Shenmue III footage! This time it’s Ryo chopping wood:

UPDATE 09:00
More footage is also available on IGN Japan’s YouTube that showcases Ryo training and sparring. Check it out:

We’ve seen plenty of in-engine cinematics and cut-scenes from Shenmue III, but until now we’ve never seen what the actual game plays like. IGN have now made 13 and a half minutes of in-game action available to watch and you can do so by clicking the embed below:

Well that certainly looks like Shenmue! Shenmue III launches for PC and PS4 on November 19th. The game is being published by Deep Silver under license from SEGA and will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC.

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