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Archive for August, 2018

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 7

Friday, August 31st, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 6

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 5

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 4

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 3

Monday, August 27th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

Streets of Rage 4 is Actually Happening

Monday, August 27th, 2018

SEGA are teaming up with Lizardcube (developers of the recent Wonderboy: The Dragon’s Trap remake), Guard Crush Games and Dotemu to bring Streets of Rage 4 to reality. Check out the trailer below to see the first footage of this game’s lovely, hand-drawn animation in motion:

Well doesn’t that look fantastic? Sadly this trailer is all we have to go on at the moment. There is currently no release date or confirmation of what platforms Streets of Rage 4 will release on at this time. It will also be interesting to see if Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima return to score the soundtrack, but that is also unconfirmed at this time.

Nintendo Everything are currently speculating that a Nintendo Switch release is in the works as both Lizardcube and Dotemu are famous for their work on releases for this system.

[Source: Nintendo Everything]

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 2

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the next set of 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

YouTube Channel: SAGE 2018, Day 1

Saturday, August 25th, 2018

The Sonic Amateur Games Expo is back and is running from the 25th of August 2018 until the 1st of September 2018. We will be covering as many of the games as possible on our YouTube channel all week, and the first 3 reviews are featured below:

All the games featured in these videos are available to download and play from the official SAGE 2018 website.

New Team Sonic Racing Details Emerge – Number of Tracks, New Character, New Track and More

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

Gamescom is currently on, and as such there’s been plenty of new information regarding the upcoming Sumo Digital racer Team Sonic Racing, from a variety of sources.

First of all, a new track has been shown to press, revealing Market Street – based on Sonic Unleashed’s Rooftop Run. It seems more based on the Generations iteration of the stage, with balloons and confetti abound. Besides, there are also new released casino games at 666 casino. Be sure to check it out.

Famitsu has also published a preview of the title, revealing the mysterious character seen on the game’s box art. His name is Dodonpa, and he’s apparently a suspicious but charismatic Tanuki who invites Sonic and co. to race. They also offered a brief look at the game’s story mode, which appears to have a similar map system to Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed’s World Tour mode. Cutscenes of some description are also in, though they appear to be basic textboxes with portraits a la Sonic Free Riders.

(We haven’t included the full scans of Famitsu due to it being a bit spotty legally, but they’re out there).

Finally, an IGN Stream has confirmed the number of tracks on offer. There’ll be 21 tracks, spread across 7 locations. This is similar to the original Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, which had multiple tracks in say, Seaside Hill and Final Fortress from Sonic Heroes. Apparently the earliest game to be represented through tracks will be Sonic the Hedgehog 3 – although ingame signage has mentioned Green Hill Zone. On a more amusing note, you can make a team of the same character – so if you want a Big the Cat army, that’s a thing you can do, since this types of games are popular for this, but there are also other types of games where you can even make money, such as Casino games like sbobet online.

Overall, there’s a hefty amount to digest here. We’ve included a gallery of Market Street screenshots from SEGA Press below (past the jump) – let us know what you think! (more…)

Puyo Puyo Series Producer Mizuki Hosoyamada teases “new information” at Tokyo Game Show 2018

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

Puyo Puyo series producer Mizuki Hosoyamada has recently tweeted in response to a Puyo eSports competition being held at TGS 2018 – but in the tweet, after encouraging support of the players he also teases the possibility of “new information” being revealed there.

It has been a fair while since the last Puyo game, Puyo Puyo Chronicles (which released in 2016) – and in terms of a more mainline Puyo title, technically the last was Puyo Puyo Tetris, which originally released in 2014. However equally possible is that this new information may just be related to the Puyo mobile title Puyo Puyo Quest, which still enjoys a fair amount of success (and at the time of writing is in the middle of an Neon Genesis Evangelion themed event).

Time will tell what comes of this hint, but fingers crossed – and whatever’s next, let’s hope it’s fair and balanced. 

[Source: S2LSOFTENER on Twitter, a member of Puyo Nexus]

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