It’s 2018 and it’s time for another Mega Drive collection for modern systems. This time around we have SEGA Mega Drive Classics for PS4, Xbox One and PC. This collection has been developed by d3t who have previously worked on the SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub for PC. In fact, this collection is incredibly reminiscent of the Hub and includes the same bedroom menu presentation. PC owners of the Hub will also notice it has now been patched to more closely resemble the collection on consoles, except it still retains its Steam Workshop support for mods.
Click here to read our full review of the PS4 version of SEGA Mega Drive Classics.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: 16 bit, alien soldier, collection, d3t, dynamite headdy, emulation, golden axe, gunstar heroes, mega drive, ps4, review, sega mega drive classics, sonic the hedgehog, streets of rage