Well how cool is this!? A special edition of the Wii-U version of Sonic: Lost World has surfaced called Sonic: Lost World Deadly Six Edition and it contains DLC that adds NiGHTS into Dreams boss battles!
You can see the NiGHTS characters in action in the new UK trailer below:
I think it’s brilliant that Sonic Team are still so enamoured with the NiGHTS franchise that they’re still referencing it even today. How about a new game now eh?
[Source: The Sonic Stadium]
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: bonus, dlc, nights into dreams, pre-order, sonic lost world, sonic lost world deadly six edition, special edition
VERY cool news. Really makes me want to get a Wii U!
And, yes, a NiGHTS 3 would be incredible! I could totally imagine Sega making it like an extended version of the mini game in Sega Superstars Eyetoy, perhaps utilising the Xbone’s Kinect feature or (more likely) the Wii U gamepag/3DS’ gyroscope…