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Posts Tagged ‘road avenger’

YouTube Channel: Mega-CD Collection and Q&A

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

In our latest addition to the SEGADriven YouTube Channel we take a look at our Mega-CD collection and answer questions proposed to us by our Twitter followers. Check it out below:

Did you enjoy this video? If so please “like” and subscribe for more SEGA related video content!

A big thanks to everyone who submitted questions; I really enjoyed your feedback and including you in our content!

Review: Road Avenger for Mega CD

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Ever wanted to shunt baddies off the road in an invincible death-mobile and watch them explode like in the films? Well Road Avenger is the game for you!

I’ve just uploaded a complete review of the Mega CD FMV-fest and you can read it by clicking this link. There’s a lot of FMV games on the Mega CD; is this one to hit or miss?

Now sing it with me!

SEGADriven is proud affiliates with the following websites:

- Dreamcast Live
- Emerald Coast
- Project Phoenix Productions
- Radio SEGA
- Saturday Morning Sonic
- SEGA Retro
- Sonic HQ
- Sonic Paradise
- The Dreamcast Junkyard
- The Pal Mega-CD Library
- The Sonic Stadium
SEGADriven and its original content are copyrighted to their respective authors. Media related directly to SEGA is copyrighted to its respective authors. Any comments on SEGA-related materials do not represent SEGA themselves. All rights reserved 2008-2022.