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Posts Tagged ‘contest’

More Competitions! Plus XP Giving Away Anarchy Reigns and Aliens Colonial Marines Goodies

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Plus XP are offering up various SEGA-related goodies that include a copy of Anarchy Reigns, Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC content as well as an Aliens: Colonial Marines t-shirt and bandana.

Click here to see full details of the competition and how to enter. The competition closes on March 28th 2013.

OMG! Looks Like SEGA Are Going To Announce A New Daytona USA!

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

SEGA are running a contest which allows the winner to receive a PS3 digital copy of a new game. The trick is, you have to guess what the game is! Using the video below, you are given a clue as to what the game will be:

And that game is obviously going to be a new Daytona USA! Will it be a new entry in the series? A HD port of the original? Only time will tell!

[Source: Eurogamer]

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