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Posts Tagged ‘shanghai dynasty’

135 Unreleased Dreamcast Prototypes Released by Hidden Palace

Sunday, September 19th, 2021

Hidden Palace’s amazing archiving efforts with Project Deluge continue! This time we have a brand new set of 135 unreleased Dreamcast prototypes and some SEGA Xbox prototypes as well.

Some notable inclusions on the Dreamcast side of things are an unreleased English localisation of Shanghai Dynasty, an early build of 4 Wheel Thunder called Offroad Thunder, an early prototype of Deep Fighter and a prototype of SEGA GT that features a track called “sonygt2” and features Luigi (see above). This one was clearly not made for public distribution!

On the Xbox side of things we also have prototypes of Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller, ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth and Gunvalkyrie.

You can explore every new prototype released by Hidden Palace by clicking here. These disc images will work under emulation or on real hardware if you have a solution to play backups.

[Source: Hidden Palace]

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