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Posts Tagged ‘sega model 2 collection’

SEGA Model 2 Collection Titles Virtua Strike and Virtual-On Stay Japan Exclusive

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

SEGA have revealed that the re-releases of Cyber Troopers Virtual-On and Virtua Striker will not be making their way West and are restricted to the Japanese PSN and XBLA services. This is disappointing news as the other 3 titles in the collection (Sonic the Fighters, Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighting Vipers) were released in the West.

The 2 games are due to launch in Japan on February 13th 2013.


First Screenshots of SEGA Model 2 Collection

Friday, November 9th, 2012

SEGA Online have a huge gallery of screenshots from the upcoming SEGA Model 2 collection.

Click here to be taken straight to the gallery.

The SEGA Model 2 collection features downloadable versions of Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, Sonic the Fighters and Cyber Troopers: Virtual On. The collection will be released for XBLA and PSN and is currently Japanese exclusive. The collection is due for release later this year.

[Source: SEGA]

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