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Posts Tagged ‘sega mega drive classics hub’

SEGA Mega Drive Classics to Release on Xbox One, PC and PS4 May 29th 2018

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018


The full list of included games has been confirmed by the PlayStation Blog. Notable exclusions from the collection include Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles which is likely due to licensing agreements regarding the soundtrack, which infamously features work by Michael Jackson. We also have confirmation of both offline and online multiplayer for games that support multiplayer options.


SEGA Europe have confirmed that the game will feature a new rewind option, a mirror mode and a selection of visual filters. SEGA Europe have confirmed the mirror mode mirrors the entire game horizontally – text and all. There has also been confirmation that Sonic 3 will not be included. The game will support trophies and achievements. An official website is also now live.


A new SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection will launch for PS4, Xbox One and PC on May 29th 2018.

This new collection appears to be based on the engine powering the SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub for PC (complete with the virtual gamer’s bedroom), which is bizarre considering this is supposed to be getting a PC port as well. Will it become an update to owners of the SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub on PC or will SEGA de-list the hub? We will update this story as we learn more.

This collection will feature over 50 Mega Drive titles including Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Space Harrier II, Gunstar Heroes, ToeJam & Earl, The Revenge of Shinobi, Kid Chameleon and Altered Beast.

Check out the reveal trailer below:

YouTube Channel: We Take a Look at the New SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub

Friday, April 29th, 2016


The new SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub launched yesterday and we did a short video showing what the hub offers with a particular focus on the new mod support:

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SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub Revealed for Steam

Wednesday, April 20th, 2016


SEGA Europe has revealed a new collection of Mega Drive titles for Steam. The new collection is called SEGA Mega Drive Classics Hub and the main addition is that it wraps the games in a lovely nineties bedroom aesthetic that you can also customise. Additional games will be able to purchase in-game and any existing SEGA Mega Drive Classics you already own will be automatically added to the hub.

SEGA Mega Drive Hub includes the following features:

– Steam Workshop support that allows you to customise games and share them with other users
– Spot on emulation
– Local co-op on supported games
– Optional graphical filters
– Save at any point
– Full controller and keyboard support

Games that will be available for the hub include Dynamite Headdy, Alien Soldier, the Sonic series, the Golden Axe series, the Phantasy Star series and many more that are detailed on the official website.

You can check out the launch trailer and game announcement on SEGA Central below:

The game launches on April 28th for Steam.

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