It’s the month of Halloween! As you can see we’ve changed our header to mark the occasion but we’ve also put together some exclusive content for you! Check out the below video to find out what our top 5 scary SEGA moments are! Did your favourite moment make the list?
House of the Dead Overkill: Extended Cut is now available in the US of A and will be available this Friday (28/10/2011) in Europe. To celebrate, SEGA have uploaded a launch trailer to YouTube. Check it out:
Also, for your reading pleasure you can check out the full launch press release below:
LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO (25 October, 2011) – SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today inform the public that the Mutant Massacre to end all mutant massacres has been released in the United States!
We are advising all US residents that as of Tuesday 25 October ‘The House of The Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut’ is available for Sony PlayStation® 3 and that they should stockpile a copy now! We expect the outbreak to spread to Europe on Friday 28 October. We’re also pleased to announce that in Europe only House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut will be available from PlayStation® Network for digital download at the same time as the retail release!
Can you battle to the still beating heart of Bayou City’s streets of terror? What madness lies at the centre of the mutant outbreak? Sick of asking questions? Then – KILL THEM ALL!
Experience 3D so real, you’ll still be crying late into the night and Move support so moving you’ll place every shot right between the eyes! The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut is due for release 28 October 2011 in Europe, and 25th October in the United States for PlayStation® Move for the Playstation®3 computer entertainment system.
For more information please visit
The latest House of the Dead Overkill: Extended Cut trailer gives us a look at the Carnival stage from the original game but now in glorious HD:
We cannot wait to start blasting zo… I mean ‘mutants’ again on the PS3! Overkill was a riot when it first came out on Wii and we’re hoping the Extended Cut delivers more of that madness!
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