The development of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 continues to be one of the most well documented stories in gaming history. The Video Game History Foundation have now preserved artwork from 2 ex-SEGA Technical Institute artists and discover a whole host of content from the game’s early development that we’ve never seen before. See below for a full list of the discoveries that they’ve made:
– Dark Empire was a cancelled STI Mega Drive game that was shelved due to Sonic 2 getting green-lit
– Maps of the concept stage Genocide/Cyber City by Tom Payne have been scanned that give us a better understanding of what this stage might have looked like
– A working demo of Genocide/Cyber City has been produced with Hez of Sonic the Hedgehog Classic fame, who has also been working on his own preservation of Wood/Secret Jungle Zone
– All of Tom Payne’s artwork has been made available to browse on by clicking here
– The Sand Shower mock-up screen is actually animated and viewable on Brenda Cook’s VHS portfolio alongside a Wood/Secret Jungle Zone mock-up
– Brenda Cook’s VHS portfolio also reveals a completely unseen Winter-themed zone which is a palette swap of Sand Shower that now features snow and Christmas trees
– Brenda Cook’s VHS portfolio has been entirely preserved on YouTube and is available to watch by clicking here. It also contains artwork for a deleted Sonic Spinball stage
You can watch the entire video on all of these discoveries from The Video Game History Foundation via the embed below:
A massive 12 minute preview of Hez’s Sonic Classic 2 fan game is now available to watch in HD on YouTube. Hez appears to be making huge progress on the game and I personally cannot wait to give it a go:
The original Sonic the Hedgehog Classic is still available to download and play on PC via this link.
Hez has released some new gameplay footage of Sonic Classic 2 which features a playable Fang the Sniper/Nack the Weasel. It’s a cool little video that showcases the character’s Yoshi-esque moveset:
Sonic the Hedgehog Classic is still available to download and play on PC via this link. The original is a bit of a rarity among Sonic fan games as it’s actually a complete game and a damn good one at that.
We’ve spoken about Hez’s Sonic the Hedgehog Classic before and had much praise for it. Sonic Classic is a 16 bit style fan-game created in MMF. The project has come along leaps and bounds since the last time we mentioned it. So much so that it’s finally been released!
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