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Posts Tagged ‘cosmic smash’

Cosmic Smash Sequel ‘C-Smash VRS’ Revealed for PlayStation VR2

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Teased last month via a cryptic website, SEGA have now officially revealed C-Cmash VRS – a PlayStation VR2 sequel to Cosmic Smash on the Dreamcast. This new entry in the series offers full VR support and is playable in single player, co-op and versus modes. You can check out the reveal trailer below:

C-Smash VRS will get a playable demo on March 23rd 2023. The full game is due to launch later in 2023. The game is being developed by RapidEyeMovers and Wolf & Wood under license from SEGA.

SEGA Teasing VR Version of Cosmic Smash

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

SEGA are heavily hinting at the release of a brand new version of Cosmic Smash for VR-enabled gaming devices. A teaser video and website that features a countdown have gone live (click here to view the website). There is currently no word on specific release platforms at this time.

Cosmic Smash was originally an arcade title released by SEGA back in 2001 and ported to the Dreamcast later that same year. The game has a unique, minimalist aesthetic and plays like a cross between breakout and squash. The Dreamcast release is infamous for being one of the few Dreamcast games released in a DVD-style case and it also features the game’s stylish, minimalist art design:

More news on Cosmic Smash VR as we learn more.

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