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Posts Tagged ‘castlevania: resurrection’

Cancelled Castlevania: Resurrection Dreamcast Title Finally Dumped and Released Online

Friday, April 30th, 2021

One of the most infamous lost Dreamcast developments is Castlevania: Resurrection. This 3D Castlevania title was being developed by Konami and sadly cancelled in March 2000. Outside some scant screenshots in magazines as well as some reporting from E3 1999, the game was never showcased to the public in a playable or even viewable form until now.

A digital archivist called Comby Laurent has come into ownership of the 1999 E3 demo that was shown behind doors to the press and it has now been released publicly for the first time. The early prototype of Castlevania: Resurrection can be downloaded from and played on real Dreamcast hardware or under emulation.

You can check out footage of the game in action via Retro Core and the embed below:

[Source: Games Radar]

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