SEGA Mania is a brand new, full colour print fanzine from Tim Hugall, Simon Pike and Sam Forrester with a huge emphasis on reviving the 1990s. The team make no qualms about wearing their influences on their sleeves, as the magazine is a clear homage to the wild west of UK SEGA magazines like Mean Machines SEGA, MegaTech, SEGA Power and SEGA Force, but now with the modern advantage of hindsight.
Read our full review of the first issue by clicking this link.
SEGA Mania issue 1 can be ordered from the SEGA Mania Online Store.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: fanzine, magazine, merchandise, review, sega mania