We have a new selection of updates to our Merchandise section. See below for the full list of additions and changes:
– The Book section has now be rearranged. There is now a landing page that lists every entry and each book now has it’s own page
– Mean Machines: The Essential SEGA Guide now added to the Book section
– New scans and the individual track artists have been added to the Super 32X 15th Anniversary Album entry in the Music section
– Resurrection: Panzer Dragoon Saga 20th Anniversary Arrangement Soundtrack added to Music section
– Jet Set Radio: Original Soundtrack With Bonus Tracks From JSRF added to Music section
– The Super Shinobi & Works added to Music section
– Let’s Tap Soundtrack added to Music section
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: 32x, books, jet set radio, let's tap, mean machines, merchandise, music, panzer dragoon saga, the revenge of shinobi