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Aliens: Colonial Marines Ships 1.3 Million Units, SEGA Publishing 5 Vita Games and 7 Wii-U Games This Year

Aliens: Colonial Marines may have been a critical flop but that still hasn’t stopped people buying it. SEGA have managed to shift 1.3 million copies of the game across Xbox 360, PC and PS3 which is a similar amount to Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

Another great seller is Football Manager 2013 which has managed to ship 940,000 units on PC alone. Well done Sports Interactive!

In other news SEGA have revealed they are publishing 5 PS Vita games and 7 Wii-U games this year. It hasn’t been revealed what the titles are but that’s a lot of SEGA for Vita and Wii-U owners.

[Source: The Sixth Axis]

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