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Rumours That Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii-U Has Been Cancelled “Not True”

Eurogamer have reached out to SEGA for a comment regarding internet rumours that Aliens: Colonial Marines has been cancelled for Wii-U.

Their response? “It’s not true. We haven’t announced the release date for it yet but that’s it.”

Rumours began last night when Kotaku writer Jason Schreier left a comment saying, “We heard from a tipster about a month ago that the Wii U version had been ‘postponed indefinitely’. We reached out to Sega, and they denied it. I’ll let you guys fill in the blanks there. :)”

SEGA had previously announced that the game was due out in the “launch window” for the Wii-U which lasts up to March. Fingers crossed this is still the case.

NeoGAF users have also noticed that the game’s Amazon listing has also disappeared.

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