The Japanese webstore ebten has some other interesting pieces of exclusive merchandise for the SEGA fanatic amongst you.
As you can see above, there’s a Hang-On themed bicycle emblazoned with the game’s logo and painted in the game’s signature red. It is priced at a very affordable £144.10. The full listing for the product can be found here.
Also featured is a Dreamcast travel-case which is decorated with the console and 2 joypads. This will set you back £151.31. The full listing for the product can be found here.
And finally here’s a Mega Drive-styled “16 Bit” belt buckle. This comes with a pretty hefty pricetag of £57.70. The full listing for the product can be found here.
[Source: SEGAotaku on Twitter]
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: 16 bit, belt, belt buckle, bicycle, dreamcast, hang-on, japan exclusive, mega drive, merchandise, sega of japan, suitcase, travel-case