Yu Suzuki is tugging at our heart-strings again. The man responsible for cult favourite RPG series Shenmue has announced through an interview at Shenmue Master that “Shenmue’s license is an IP that belongs to SEGA” and that “We can obtain the license from SEGA.”
Suzuki is clearly not going to rest until his series is complete. He even went on to reveal a major plot point that will be central to Shenmue III if it ever appears. Referring to an image that has been circulating the internet for some time that features the silhouette of an unknown charatcer, Suzuki said “This is the person who has trained with Iwao [Hazuki] in the olden days in China. Then, in the story that will take place after Shenmue II, he will become a “key” character!”
Fingers crossed that Suzuki is successful in his endevours!
[Source: Spong]
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