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Posts Tagged ‘electronica’

Metal Band ‘Centiment’ Making Album Called ‘Streets of Rage’

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Now this might be a bit of a tenuous SEGA link but I think it’s worth mentioning. British metalcore/electronica band Centiment (who also feature members of InMe) are running a Pledge Music campaign for their debut album. What’s the album called? Why ‘Streets of Rage’ of course!

Other than being named after a famous SEGA beat-em-up, the band are also offering a remix version of the album which will feature “more than a little nod to video game music”. All the donation tiers are also cleverly named after generations of video game consoles with the lower levels being ’16bit’ and the highest level being ‘128bit’.

If video game inspired metal is your cup of tea then you might want to consider making a pledge towards Centiment’s album. You can access the Pledge Music page for the album by clicking here and download a free song by clicking here.

SEGA Tunes: Funky Dealer from Jet Set Radio Future

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

We’re huge fans of Hideki Naganuma’s sample-driven, hyperactive, pop stylings so we thought it was about time we featured one of the man’s greatest moments. Funky Dealer comes from the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack and contains everything Naganuma-san is known for: huge beats, sampled vocals, flourishes of guitar work and a certain catchiness that only this man can achieve.

Ace deuce craps wants four:

If you’re interested in owning a physical copy of the Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack, SEGA re-released it on CD last October. Click here to order a copy!

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