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Posts Tagged ‘ebay’

Unreleased Dreamcast Zip Drive Prototype for Sale on eBay

Monday, December 17th, 2018


Someone has bought the Dreamcast Zip Drive! The auction ended on the 18th of December at 18:07 CET.


The Dreamcast Zip Drive was an unreleased add-on that was due to release in Autumn 2000. Co-developed by SEGA and Iomega, the device would give users access to 100mb zip disks to allow for greater storage space for browsing the internet and downloading additional game content like maps for Quake III Arena. The add-on connects to the Dreamcast via its expansion port and power input, requiring you to then power your Dreamcast using the zip drive’s power input. The zip drive also features a USB slot on the front which would have given users access to more peripherals that never came to pass.

It’s an interesting little device that never made it to store shelves, but now you can own one of the prototypes. There is currently “one of less than five worldwide” on sale on eBay. The zip drive is located in Berlin and will set you back 4225 euros, around £3798 in British sterling. It’s certainly not a bargain, but it’s definitely one of the more interesting SEGA curios to pop up for quite some time. And let’s not forget, it does come with a zip disk!

Click here to be taken to the auction which is due to end on the 15th of January 2019.

You’ve Got 12 Hours Left to Bid on the Unreleased 32X Game Virtua Hamster

Friday, February 15th, 2013

The unreleased 32X game Virtua Hamster could now be yours thanks to eBay seller “gametimevault” who are selling a prototype cartridge. Bidding is currently at $108.49 so if you’re serious about owning an extremely rare piece of SEGA history then you better be prepared to shell out some serious dough.

You can see the auction by clicking here.


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