We have a fresh selection of new additions to our SEGA merchandise catalogue that have just gone live on the website. Please see the list below for the full list of additions and updates:
– SEGA Mania magazine issue 1 added to the Magazines section
– Credit 00: I Love Game Graphics added to Books section
– Ikaruga vinyl soundtrack from Data Discs added to Music section
– Shenmue II vinyl soundtrack from Data Discs added to Music section
– Sonic Adventure Remix CD updated with news scans and information in Music section
All merchandise entries now have links at the bottom of the entries to allow users to navigate back to the previous list for easier browsing.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: books, credit 00, dreamcast, ikaruga, magazines, merchandise, music, sega mania, shenmue 2, sonic adventure