Back in October 2017, Jon Burton of Traveller’s Tales fame revealed that he was in the possession of a cassette containing the demo versions of Jun Senoue’s Sonic 3D Blast soundtrack. Well fast-forward 2 years and Burton has started to upload these demos to his YouTube channel, GameHut. You can listen to 3 of the tracks from the cassette via the embed below:
This is a fascinating piece of history that showcases how Jun Senoue wrote his music in 1996. The demos are arranged very simplistically on synthesisers before being re-arranged for use on the Mega Drive’s Yamaha YM2612 sound chip. The full tracklisting for the demo cassette is listed below. Hopefully Burton continues to share more of the music from the cassette:
A1 Opening (Short Ver.)
A2 Opening (Long Ver.)
A3 Power Up
A4 Green Alley Zone Act.1
A5 Casino Night Zone Act.1
A6 Boss (Minor Key)
B1 Boss (Major Key)
B2 Special Stage
B3 Bonus Stage (Miles)
B4 Bonus Stage (Knuckles)
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: cassette, demos, gamehut, jon burton, jun senoue, music, sega tunes, sonic 3d, sonic 3d blast, sonic 3d: flickies' island, traveller's tales