A long overdue update to Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has finally arrived for iOS. We’ve had a quick muck around with the new version of the game this morning and found the following changes:
– Sonic’s character model is considerably more detailed and more closely resembles the home console versions (image comparisons below)
– All art assets are now of a much higher resolution which makes use of modern iOS retina displays. Menus and HUD items do still look a bit stretched
– The stage select screen now resembles the home console stage select screen that uses a map of Sonic’s world (image comparisons below)
– The gyro controls in the special stages are much smoother now

If you already own Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 for iOS, then you can get the game update from your App Store now.
Webmaster and lead writer at SEGADriven. Likes old games, heavy music and too much pizza. Follow on Twitter @kronkblats
Tags: bugfixes, ios, sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog 4 episode I, sonic the hedgehog 4: episode 1, update