A Hatsune Miku VR demo has been revealed at E3. Currently working under the title SEGA feat. Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo, the PS4 and Project Morpheus-powered demo allows you to attend a virtual Hatsune Miku live show and shake a Move controller like a glow-stick. Thankfully there’s a little more to it than that and the experience generally takes the form of a simple rhythm game.
SEGAbits managed to grab some off-screen footage of the demo in action which you can watch below:
There is currently no confirmation as to whether this demo will be released to the public or even be developed into a full game. If we’re going to be honest, this just looks like the sort of thing Sony have commissioned in order to show off the abilities of Project Morpheus. Fingers crossed it actually develops into something more than that.
[Source: SEGAbits]
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Tags: hatsune miku, project diva, project morpheus, ps4, rhythm game, SEGA feat. Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo, vocaloid