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Posts Tagged ‘easter egg’

New Shenmue Easter Egg Discovered: Nozomi Jumps into Action!

Sunday, August 18th, 2019

A fascinating new discovery has been made in the original Shenmue – a certain set of conditions can trigger a fight scene where Nozomi joins Ryo in the action.

According to the fine folk at, this scene can be triggered by visiting Sakuragaoka park before 7pm on a sunny or snowy day after Ryo’s brawl at the Heartbeats Bar. However, you must make your visit after the Heartbeats Bar brawl and before Ryo visits the tattoo parlor, which is the next location in Ryo’s quest.

Click the below embed to see what happens in the fight at Sakuragaoka park once the conditions have been successfully met:

For full details on how to trigger this fight scene in Shenmue, head on over to’s post on the easter egg as they go into far more detail about the additional requirements that are needed to trigger this event.


The Hedgehog Day SEGA Blog Post Is Hiding Something

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

SEGA have released their Hedgehog Day post. Hedgehog day marks the American release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and is usually the day when SEGA announce or tease information about new Sonic titles.

The post includes the following letters are in bold:

e r n i r e h d g r

Commenters have noticed that those letters are an anagram for “red herring”. Have SEGA duped us all or is it a double bluff? Stay tuned to find out!

[Source: SEGA Blog]

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