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Posts Tagged ‘Wonder Boy Universe: Asha in Monster World’

GDC 2020 Exhibitor List Includes “Wonder Boy Universe: Asha in Monster World” from Studio Artdink; Possibly a Monster World IV Remake

Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

We’re coming up to a fair number of expos and conferences for the world of video games, including PAX and GDC 2020; and one announcement that hardcore SEGA fans might appreciate may have been let slip by GDC’s exhibitor list.

First noticed by Sonic Paradise’s AshTheDragon on Twitter, the list includes an entry for “Wonder Boy Universe: Asha in Monster World”. For those unaware, Asha is the protagonist of Monster World IV for the SEGA Mega Drive, widely considered to be not only the best title in the series but perhaps one of the best games on the entire system. At one point Japan exclusive, it was later translated by M2 for numerous platforms, including the recent Mega Drive Mini.

The plot thickens further though, as the lovely folks at HardcoreGaming101 actually chimed in to say they’d heard rumblings of this project – and suggest it will be a 3D remake of the original Mega Drive title. They do note that they weren’t aware of Artdink’s involvement, so it’s possible we could be looking at a situation in which Artdink are simply supporting another studio’s development. HG101 are generally a reliable bunch, but as with any rumour, take this specifically with a grain of salt.

Whatever the case we’re very excited to see what this is, and with GDC taking place next month, hopefully there won’t be too long to wait.

[ Source: GDC 2020 Exhibitor List ]

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