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Posts Tagged ‘super zaxxon’

Astro City Mini V + Extra Game Coming to the US Via Limited Run Games

Tuesday, October 18th, 2022

Limited Run Games are bringing the previously Japan-exclusive Astro City Mini V console to the US with an extra game. The American version of the Astro City Mini V will include a port of SEGA’s Super Zaxxon originally released in 1982 alongside the line-up from the Japanese version.

The Astro City Mini V is a mini console featuring a vertically orientated screen made to play tate mode arcade games. It comes pre-installed with 23 games that include the aforementioned Super Zaxxon, as well as Batsugun, Grind Stormer, Gunbird, Raiden, Strikers 1945 and Tatsujin among others. A full list of the includes games is featured in our hardware entry for the console.

The American Astro City Mini V will go on sale from Limited Run Games on October 25th 2022. This is not a pre-order window – the console is in hand and will ship shortly after purchase. The console is also available with the Arcade Style Kit which includes a mini arcade base, chair, top board and stickers.

The American Astro City Mini V is priced at $159.99. It is currently unclear if this is the price for the console with the Arcade Style Kit, or just the console itself.

[Source: Limited Run Games]

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