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Posts Tagged ‘sticks’

New Sonic Boom Character Announced

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

The previously leaked Sonic Boom character seen on a poster has been made official by SEGA. The character is called Sticks and she’s a jungle badger who “will play an integral role across all Sonic Boom platforms.”

The announcement on the official SEGA blog has this to say:

“Sticks is wilder than the other members of Sonic’s team with unparalleled animal instincts and extremely sharp survival skills. She’s a fearsome combatant and a tenacious hunter who’s armed with handmade weapons at all times, most notably a handmade boomerang that she keeps in tow.”

You can see footage of Sticks’ voice actor and get further insight into her personality in the below video:

There’s not much else to say really. She looks a bit like Marine from Sonic Rush. She has a silly name. She will appear in the TV show and the games. It’s another new sidekick for Sonic.

[Source: SEGA Blog]

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