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Posts Tagged ‘statues’

Streets of Rage 4 and Golden Axe Figures Showcased at Toy Fair 2020 | Merchandise

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Toy Fair 2020 is currently underway in New York and a selection of figures based on Streets of Rage 4 and Golden Axe have shown up. These figures have been produced by Storm Collectibles and while the Axel figure is currently without a release date (likely because the game is still without a release date), the Golden Axe figures are due for release soon. See below for the full list of release dates and prices:

– Ax Battler (releasing March 20th for $130)
– Skeleton 2 Pack (releasing April 20th for $60)
– Axel (release date and pricing to be confirmed)

More images of the figures can be viewed below:

[Source: The Toy Ark]

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