4 years ago, BlazeHedgehog (infamous for his fan-game ‘Sonic: The Fated Hour’) was developing a 2D remake of Sonic the Hedgehog 06.
Why remake one of the worst Sonic games of all time? Blaze explains that he was disappointed by the game’s release as all the pre-release hype promised “a High-Def, Next-Generation return to the good parts of the original Sonic Adventure” which was obviously appealing to most Sonic fans at the time.
Unfortunately, all hope for the project was lost when Blaze encountered computer problems which meant he hasn’t been able to access the source material for 4 years.
Earlier this year Blaze finally managed to gain access to the source material and has to decided to polish up the game and release it as is (approximately 85% complete) as he doesn’t have the time to finish it completely.
Check out the below trailer to see what the final release includes:
You can download the game for free by following this link. It’s a frantic little affair that is tremendous fun to play and well worth your time. You can read more about the game by clicking here.
[Source: Sonic Fan Games HQ Forums]
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