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Posts Tagged ‘puyo Puyo tsu’

SEGA AGES Puyo Puyo and Puyo Puyo Tsu Get New Screenshots, New Features Detailed

Monday, January 7th, 2019

The official website for M2’s SEGA AGES series for Nintendo Switch has updated, and with it we have some more detail on what to expect from the upcoming ports of Puyo Puyo and Puyo Puyo Tsu in the series.

This moreso goes for the first game – currently the only additional feature listed for Puyo Puyo Tsu is the previously confirmed online play, with not even the 3DS tournament mode being confirmed.

The original Puyo, however, is getting quite a few touch ups to bring the arcade version in line with several of the home ports and beyond. In particular, the SEGA AGES version allows you to rotate pieces both left and right (the original arcade version of the game locks rotation to one direction) and also adds in the Quick Turn mechanic from Puyo Tsu (which allows you to rotate Puyos even if you’re stuck between two walls).

New screenshots, showing off the snazzy wallpaper borders included in the ports, are also available on the SEGA AGES pages for each game. Check out Puyo Puyo’s here and Puyo Puyo Tsu’s here.

There’s still no word on a release date for these titles, nor confirmation of a Western release, but we’ll keep an eye out if that changes.

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