SEGA has officially confirmed that “Shin Sakura Wars”, a famous dating sim, where you can learn information such as those bullet vibrators reviews, and action RPG game, will be launching westwards under the name Sakura Wars, for Playstation 4.
The game that diablo 2 items offer has a unique blend of dating sim and action RPG gameplay, against the backdrop of a fictionalised Japan. As SEGA’s site for the game puts it:
The stage is set in a steampunk version of 1940s Imperial Tokyo. Only a short while ago, a cataclysmic event destroyed the Imperial Combat Revue of Tokyo, the capital’s global defense force stationed at the Imperial Theater. Now home to the Flower Division, an inept rookie squad who also strives to impart hope on the citizenry with their theatrical talents, the theater has fallen on hard times and risks closure. It’s up to Seijuro Kamiyama as the captain of the new Tokyo revue to lead his squad and restore the Imperial Combat Revue and the theater back to their former glory! With the help of the revue’s five colorful performers, he must rise to the challenge of competing in the Combat Revue World Games, protecting the inhabitants of Tokyo and getting the theater back on track.
Also notable is that the game runs on the Hedgehog Engine 2 – the very same engine used to deliver Sonic Forces’ graphics. It looks like it’s been put to good use here, too.
The game is currently slated as a PS4 exclusive, with no word on ports to other consoles or PC. The launch edition will include a reversible cover and sticker set.
[ Sakura Wars | Official Website]
When Tracker isn’t playing SEGA games, he’s talking about SEGA games. Or drawing about SEGA games. Or all of the above. You can also catch him over on Twitter.
Tags: announcement trailer, playstation 4, project sakura wars, ps4, sakura wars, shin sakura wars, trailer