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SEGA AGES: Phantasy Star Launches in September for Nintendo Switch, New Features Detailed


The Nintendo Switch port of the SEGA Master System’s Phantasy Star, part of the SEGA AGES line, will be dropping in September. In addition, the extra features available in the port have now been detailed.

For Japanese users, the game includes a hiragana script option, as was present in the SEGA Saturn’s version of the game. There will also be a low-difficulty mode included for new players – it’s unclear right now if this will factor in the previous collection’s reward toggles, but it’s a safe bet based on previous interviews. Also included is a picture book of the various monsters in the game, which seems to be filled out similarly to a Pokedex, and a list of items and armour is also available for easy reference as to what they actually do.

One of the biggest extra features however, is the addition of a new map function. Previously, dungeons weren’t mapped out meaning you’d have to actually draw a physical map to keep track of where you were. Now the game can keep track for you, should you so desire – another helpful feature to ease in new players.

Finally, the game features both the FM and PSG soundtracks, and a music player so you can listen to the tracks at your discretion.

Overall this is shaping up to be a very nice package, which is to be expected from M2. Unfortunately it’s not yet clear when exactly the first two games in the line, Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Force IV, are set to launch; both games are due some time this month. We’ll keep an eye out for concrete release information.

This information comes from the official SEGA AGES site, which has received a bit of an overhaul. Several screenshots are also available on the site, but we’ve popped them below for convenience.

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