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Phantasy Star Online 2 Western IP Block Returns, PSO2 Fans Weep


After an exciting few days of the Western world finally being able to access Phantasy Star Online 2, the IP block that previously kept the West out of the game has returned.

The IP block was removed in order to help alleviate stress on the servers for South East Asia IPs as these regions have been suffering from connection issues and maintenance needed to be done without the IP block to help resolve this. Players in the Western world are now being met with connection errors when they try to access the PSO2 servers.

This is obviously a huge blow to Western fans of the franchise because despite there being this English version of the game available to play for South East Asian IPs, there is still no official confirmation of the game being made available to Western users. The removal of the IP block felt like the first step into this direction but sadly it was not to be.

Hopefully these events have helped SEGA recognise how much of following the franchise still has in the West. All we can hope is that this whole ordeal makes an official Western release even more likely. Always believe!

[Source: Niche Gamer]

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