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Sonic Boom Cartoon Airs in Europe Autumn 2015

In what has to be one of the most peculiar decisions regarding Sonic Boom, the CG animated series that ties in with the video games will air in Europe in Autumn 2015 despite the games based on the series being released in November of this year.

The Sonic Boom cartoon airs in North America and France later this year which ties in nicely to the releases of the Sonic Boom video games which act as prequels to the series. The closer release windows for both the series and games in these territories are obviously designed to compliment each other and boost sales of the game as well as interest in the show.

So how does SEGA Europe intend on promoting the Sonic Boom games in the rest of Europe now the cartoon as fallen to late next year? Only time will tell but we’d bet some serious cash that the games are not going to sell as well in this territory when compared to France and North America unless SEGA Europe are willing to put some money into a big marketing campaign.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium]

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