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London Trocadero to Close This Month

The London Trocadero which is home to one of the most popular arcade gaming spots in the UK, is closing its doors for good on February 25th.

Previously the home of SEGA World and later Fun Land, the venue has housed one of the biggest arcades in London and an important landmark for those who are interested in arcade gaming and don’t live near a seaside town.

The Heart of Gaming in North Acton obtained a selection of its arcade cabinets from the Trocadero last year which was telling of the degradation of the Trocadero which had slowly been shrinking in scale since its Fun Land days.

It’s sad to see London’s premier arcade go, but it certainly wasn’t in the best shape in recent years. RIP London Trocadero; we knew thee well.

You can see what the London Trocadero was like in its heyday by checking out this video report we made back in 2010:

[Source: UK Arcade Racers]

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