Sonic: Lost World on 3DS is shaping up to be quite a different beast that its’ Wii-U brethren. Recently unveiled are 3DS exclusive colour powers called Red Burst, Ivory Lightning and Gray Quake.
The powers are described as such:
Gray Lightning: “you to travel along wires as an electric current”, charge coils, and electrocute enemies”
Gray Quake: “turns you into an iron ball – as which you tilt the Nintendo 3DS to steer yourself around the surrounding environment, crushing enemies and obstacles in your path”
Red Burst: “fly freely through the air and cause large explosions to damage surrounding opponents”
Check out some screenshots of the wisps and the powers in action below:
[Source: RadioSEGA]
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Tags: 3ds, colour powers, exclusive features, sonic lost world, sonic the hedgehog, wii u