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So I Guess SEGA Don’t Own the Warhammer 40K License

In a bizarre sequence of events, Games Workshop have announced a partnership with Slitherine who will create a new Warhammer 40K game.

SEGA’s acquisition of Relic Entertainment appears to mean that the publisher has not acquired its’ IPs outside of Company of Heroes 2.

But at the moment this is still speculation. SEGA may well own the Dawn of War license but it’s a strange move that Games Workshop would want two developers working on 40K games.

More on this as we get it.

[Source: Eurogamer]

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One Response to “So I Guess SEGA Don’t Own the Warhammer 40K License”

  1. TimmiT says:

    Actually, it seems like multiple publishers/developers have licenses for Warhammer games. So this doesn’t mean SEGA doesn’t have the license. For example, Full Control is currently making a Space Hulk game.

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