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First Screenshot of New Dreamcast Shmup Ghost Blade Revealed

The first screenshot of the new Dreamcast shmup Ghost Blade has been revealed and you can see it above.

Hucast have also revealed some more detail behind the screenshot:

“You can see a huge bomb in the middle of the screen that is part of a “bomb style” mode. The player ship shoots out bullets in front and back direction to blast off enemies all around the screen. You can see a life stock and a hiscore display in the left corner, and since this is a competition type of shooter we’ll have an online leaderboard (very important feature we forgot to mention yet!) as well.”

Ghost Blade is a new vertical shmup from Hucast, the team responsible for Dux and its’ upcoming sequel Redux: Dark Matters. Ghost Blade is expected to see release on Dreamcast sometime this year.

[Source: Hucast]

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